Friday, July 22, 2011

Kelli's Final Blog Entry

What events and information stood out for you?

1. I learned SO much information this week about interactive web tools that it's hard to pick. I think it's great that the class info was all placed on a wiki; it made us learn that technology plus it's always out there for us to access and use on the web. I know I'll be going back to it.

2. Though it is sad that participation was so low at John Muir Academy, it was nice to have smaller classes. I felt like that made it easier for us to get a lot of support from our instructor so we were able to learn more efficiently. It also helped our group to connect and feel comfortable sharing ideas, which is also very valuable. It would be great if we could keep class sizes down for future JM Academy classes.

3. Mansanto Tour - We had a really wonderful scientist explain the complicated things Monsanto does in a very understandable way. He would be a great guest speaker for high school students.

What ideas/activities do you want to remember for your classroom?

1. - I love this; it's what every writing teacher dreams of! I really like that it gives writing suggestions in addition to marking misspellings and grammar mistakes. I'm looking forward to playing with it to learn more.

2. - I had done this a couple years back, but I let it fall to the wayside. Being reminded of it this week helped me remember how much my students loved it and looked forward to writing their thoughts on the book (though they don't think it's writing) when usually they don't like the writing days on papers.

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