Monday, July 18, 2011


So we have looked at animoto, glogster and done some embedding...all in one day! What are your thoughts so far? What could be useful and how would you use it? Did you get your educator code for animoto?


  1. Though I haven't quite figured out how to apply these web tools to my classroom (8th grade writing), I LOVE them! I can definitely think of ideas on how I can use them in my personal life (especially Animoto). I also thought I might be able to use Glogster to create a pseudo-scrapbook page to introduce myself to this year's students. I would really like to think of a way to use a wiki/blog with the 100 students in my writing classes. I have used a blog before in the literature course that allowed students to respond to the book we were reading together. They really got into that so I want to figure out how to use an online forum for writing since the kids will likely respond well to that. Thanks for starting out with PicassoHead; that was a fun way to start the day. :-)

  2. Monday is going a little bit fast. I need to review everything again, and again. I enjoyed making my picture on "picassohead". I can see everyone (teachers & students) will enjoy this tool. Glogster was a little more confusing and I will need more time to explore this tool. Not as user friendly as some tools. Animoto was fantastic - easy to use, saw the results quickly, and can see many uses for this at home and at school. I will need more instruction on embedding both in Glogster and in the wiki.
    I have a question about using the Wiki with students.
    If I use a Wiki and want the students to be able to make comments on wiki pages is there a way to moniter the comments before they are posted for all to see? In other words is there a way for all comments to come to the teacher first before other students see what has been written?

  3. All a bit overhwhelming right now but....for my classes and personal pursuits, I found the glogster and animoto to be the most applicable. I think I may experiment using glogster to introduce expectations and myself at the start of the year. I think it would be a great tool to have kids prepare a poster about themselves (strengths, interests, etc.) for review by the teachers they will have that year. It would be a fun way to find out about the kids I will have this year before they are sitting in front of me. I would also like to try using animoto for having the kids create 30 second PSAs on a particular topic like global climate change. I am also going to experiment with it for at home shows to share with family. (I did receive the educator code for animoto.)

  4. To start with the easiest answer first, yes I received my animoto educator code. My head is swimming with ideas, with unanswered questions, and with sites yet to explore. Has it been a great day? Yes! I'm glad I will have time this evening to process what I've learned and get my brain ready for tomorrow. I'm also anxious to impress my teenage sons with how much I've learned. Thanks for a wonderful first day.

    Has anyone found a gadget for iGoogle that allows you to receive updates of your favorite wiki sites?

  5. Ok, so for my initial thoughts, please see the comment section from the blog you posted yesterday. I accidently commented on that one! As for Animoto, I DID receive my promotion code. I'm excited beacuse I envision my students creating a short movie with short bits of text and a few images to show what they learned from their biography books!

  6. Oh my gosh--my brain is fried today! I seemed to just get started on each of the tools (glogster, animoto, wiki)and then had to stop to move on to the next thing. After lunch I was finally able to come back to try to complete the animoto. I spent waaaayyyyy tooo looong creating a video, but in the end I was fairly happy with it. It was only a 30-second video, but it was mine. Hurray for small steps! I liked the idea of creating a class video to highlight some of the things that we do.

    It is now almost 3pm and I think I am finally starting to understand the beauty of the Wiki...or at least what it is and how to move about on it. I think the wiki could help our class have a personal space to call our own. What I still don't understand is the difference between the wiki and Facebook, which I also don't have. The kids seem to all communicate by Facebook these days. My goal this summer is to find out how to communicate better with students and how I can get THEM to communicate better with me. I don't know if this would be better accomplished by: email, Facebook, blogging, or if there is another 'tool' that I have yet to learn. I currently conduct most of my business by email, but know that this is not the way this generation does things.

  7. I liked animoto and glogster. Using the programs is the best way to learn them. Now I can teach students how to use them and use examples that I embedded into the wiki! I know they will be very excited about using these two programs. I did get my educator code for animoto.

    We also set up a lot of compuer accounts and made an Avatar which was fun. I know students would enjoy making their own Avatars. Learning the various sites and terminology is challenging. It is rewarding to use the program and have it work correctly!

  8. It was interesting to work with Animoto and Glogster today. Both of these sites look like they hold a lot of promise for fun and exciting projects and presentations. I find myself looking at each of these as a tool for myself to use in presenting information in new and different ways that the ususal way that I do. I know this seems overly teacher focused, which I understand is a problem. Students could get a lot out of working with these tools also. However, I am having a hard time justifying the time and effort it would take to teach my students how to use these two sites so they can produce a project using them. It is already difficult to get through all of the material that I am required to cover. Trying to find a couple more days to train students on this stuff would be difficult.

    Additionally, I know that my technical skills to actually navigate around on each site and trouble shoot the inevitable student problems would be a disaster for me. I'm not ready to put myself in that kind of position.

    Yes! I did get my animoto educator thingy.

  9. Ken and Kelli mention using these tools for you as the teacher to present information to your students in new and interesting ways. I like this because it gives you a chance to become experience at using the tool before you have the students learn it. It might also pique their interest in how you created the presentation you did.
    Teri, I did a little search on controlling student comments to wikis. On the free version it doesn't seem possible. Once comments are posted you can go in and delete them. Also, students should realize that you will know who made the inappropriate comment! As long as a student doesn't access someone else's account!
    Check our class wiki for more wikispaces info under the "wiki" link.

  10. I wrote my comments yesterday, but have no idea where they went when I tried to put them in this file.
    I really enjoyed using the animoto. I need to check on my code.

    I envision using something like that for our third grade animal reports. This is a research project we do every year with our students to introduce them to the research process. We use books, magazines, internet and encyclopedias (book & computer form) to learn about an animal. We brainstorm questions, read to find out answers, then write paragraphs and type them to glue onto poster board. We add magazine or downloaded pictures and the name of the animal to our posters. Then we invite other classes to learn from our "Animal Experts". Some students do not yet have the reading and writing skills to complete a report in written form. The animoto tool would be a great way to motivate and help these students experience success with this project.

    I loved the avitar activity! This would be a great way to get to know students in various classes next year. The Glogster poster would also be a creative way for students to share their picture and information about themselves using pictures and text.

    I am "The Recycling Educator of the Year" ay our school. My classes help the custodians empty the recycle bins each week. The students LOVE this! I would like to use Glogster to have students make recycle posters to remind people at our school to recycle, what items to recycle, and any other "reminders" to hang around the school.

    I had a rough start, but I look forward to learning more tomorrow!
